Now the top popular Social network that is Facebook turned their face from PC or Laptop to Mobile Phones as the statement said by Silicon Valley VP of Mobile partnership and corporate development at Facebook.
As you all know nowadays no one have the time to sit one place and check their social networking accounts. This is time where everyone becomes too smarter and advance they can update all their status and anything through access this on their smartphones.
Before iOS do not offer their users to get any shortcut in their masterpiece but since the release iPhone 5 all of their consumers may get the access their FB accounts with the helps of having web shortcut in it.
Not only Apple provide this as well other brands such as HTC and Samsung that’s top selling masterpiece Galaxy S3 also present the same option to do social networking from anywhere and anytime.
That’s why the training is start for all engineers to the mobile developers that ramped up it’s for the Android and iOS applications and move it into process of product development.
Now the company also found the data when the users may switch their handset that uses this site twenty percent more and they also reported that 800 million people.
Some sources also said that most of the users can access this site through using HTML 5 browser as compare to additional apps and also you have to know that browser is also the strategy to get into emerging markets.
So if you want to see what advancement can happen in this social app then you just simply go Facebook Mobile Page by clicking on it you know each and everything about it.